What happens if I receive a parcel after I leave?

. You can contact the Site Manager to confirm receipt and pick the parcel(s) up at the residence.

I have left my accommodation, yet I still owe rent. Why?

. If you still owe rent after you leave, then your accommodation is “under contract”.

In that case, rent is due at the end of the fixed term. For example, January rent is due on 1 February.

Check the Twenty Campus app for confirmation.

Can the final rent payment be deducted from my security deposit?

. Legally, the final rent payment cannot be deducted from the security deposit.

How long after I leave will the security deposit be refunded?

. If the final inventory and inspection are in compliance with the initial inventory and inspection, there are no withholdings, and the security deposit is returned within one (1) month. If there are withholdings or provisions, the security deposit is refunded within two (2) months maximum.

How do I get my security deposit back?

. The security deposit is refunded by bank transfer.

It is imperative that you supply your full bank details (RIB) during the final inventory and inspection.

Twenty Campus will not cover any bank charges for transfers made to foreign bank accounts.