Visit a residence and accomodation

Is it possible to visit a TC Residence and/or TC accommodation?

. If it’s possible for you to come on site for a visit, you can make an appointment with the Site Manager.

. If you can’t get to a site, you can visit the TC Residence you have chosen and the accommodation with our 360° virtual tour at

Can I visit the accommodation I have chosen before deciding?

. If it’s possible for you to come on site for a visit, you can make an appointment with the Site Manager.

. The different types of accommodation solutions are standard. You can also visit an example of a type of accommodation.

. If the accommodation you want to visit is occupied, a visit is subject to the availability of the current tenant.

. Note, however, that you can visit the TC Residence of your choice, and the type of accommodation that interests you with our 360° virtual visit at